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The Benefits of Tankless Water Heater Servicing

If you’re one of the lucky few in your household with a tankless water heater, you know how important it is to keep it running efficiently. Without regular maintenance, your water heater may not produce enough hot water for your family’s needs – or it could break down altogether!

Reduces the Risk of Leaks

Regular tankless water heater service San Ramon CA can reduce the risk of leaks. A leaking tank can quickly cause extensive damage to your home.

A leaking water heater can also create a hazardous environment for wildlife. If you notice a leak, you should contact a plumber immediately.

Often, a leak isn’t visible but can be found behind the tank or under the floorboards. These hidden leaks may only be noticed once they cause significant water damage.

Leaks can also affect the quality of your water. Cloudy or rusty hot water indicates that you must inspect the system.

Another way to minimize the risk of leaks is by regularly flushing your tankless water heater. Doing so can avoid the mineral buildup that can clog your unit and reduce efficiency.

Prevents Scale Buildup

If you have hard water in your home, the scale will inevitably build up on pipes and appliances. This buildup can eat through pipes, block faucet aerators, and reduce the life of your plumbing system.

Fortunately, some products, such as water softeners and scale inhibitor systems, can prevent this. These devices filter the minerals out of hard water before it enters your plumbing system, reducing the risk of damaging buildup.

In addition, they can also help extend the lifespan of your appliances. Scale can clog dishwashers, ice makers, and washing machines.

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Many tankless water heaters have scale detection technology that detects when the heat exchanger has slowed down, warning you to schedule descaling. This technology can be a great way to keep your tankless heater running at peak efficiency without making costly repairs down the road.

Ensures a Longer Lifespan

A tankless water heater can last 20 years or more if properly maintained. That means that you can expect to spend a lot less on repairs and replacements over the lifespan of your unit than you would with a storage-tank water heater.

In addition to prolonging the lifespan of your tankless water heater, regular maintenance also ensures that it performs like new. That’s why it’s essential to flush out your tankless water heater regularly with vinegar.

This step is essential for preventing mineral buildup in your tankless unit that can lead to early breakdowns and decreased heating capacity. It also helps maintain energy efficiency, reducing your monthly energy bills.

Saves Money

Tankless water heaters can save money by being more energy efficient than conventional tank-style models. While it varies depending on your family’s water usage, most reports say they can cut energy costs by about a hundred dollars annually.

Keeping your water heater clean will also improve the efficiency of your heating elements (aka heat exchanger) and reduce energy expenses. Regularly descaling and flushing the unit is essential, especially if you live in a hard-water area or have a water softener system.

Regular maintenance also catches minor issues early, saving you significant money on costly repair or replacement costs.

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Most manufacturers require proof of annual maintenance to keep your warranty valid. So, it’s always a good idea to call the professionals if you suspect any problems.