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Tips For Maintaining Your Roof

Your roof takes a beating year-round from the elements. Your roof has a tough job between snow, ice, heavy winds, hail, and tree limbs. As a result, a well-maintained roof ensures the occupants are comfortable and secure. It safeguards the structure. The roof is also intended to serve as structural support for the entire system. Your home’s lighting, plumbing, and interior design would be adequate with a roof.

Fortunately, you can protect your roof from costly repairs by following some maintenance tips from companies like Peak to Peak Roofing and Exteriors, an expert in maintaining roofs. These roof maintenance tips will help keep your roof looking good and lasting for years.

Inspect Your Gutters

Gutters are a critical component of your roof’s safety and protection. They’re designed to safely divert water runoff so that it doesn’t accumulate on your top and damage your siding, fascia, and foundation.

An excellent way to ensure that your gutters perform their intended function is to inspect them regularly. This is especially important after the winter months when debris like snow/ice and twigs found their way into your gutter system.

If you notice that your gutters are starting to sag, it’s time for a replacement. Sagging gutters cannot drain properly, leading to water damage on your roof.

Inspect Your Flashings

Flashing is a thin sheet of metal that helps keep water out of the most leak-prone areas of your roof. These include joints, valleys, vents, dormers, and skylights.

When they are correctly installed, flashings can last for years without leaking. However, they can deteriorate if you don’t inspect and maintain them.

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If you need help checking your flashings, consider hiring a professional roofing contractor like Peak to Peak Roofing and Exteriors; they might be a big help. They will thoroughly inspect your roof, including checking your flashings. They can also repair or replace any damaged flashings.

Clean Your Roof

Your roof plays a crucial role in protecting your home from the elements. However, if neglected, it can also attract pests and lead to other issues.

An excellent way to keep your roof in top shape is to clean it regularly. This can help minimize the appearance of stains, molds, and algae growth that often appear on a roof.

There are two main types of cleaning products that you can use to get your roof looking its best. You can choose from eco-friendly options that don’t contain harmful chemicals or chemical-based cleaners that use harsh chemicals like ammonia, copper sulfate, and trisodium phosphate to clear away moss, algae, and other debris.

Inspect Your Shingles

A well-maintained asphalt shingle roof will provide years of protection from the elements. It should also serve as a pleasant visual enhancement to your home.

As part of a thorough inspection, walk around your roof from the ground to identify potential problems or areas needing attention. Look for signs of aging, sagging, or moss and algae growth.

Shingles with missing granules (texture) should be replaced. Those without granules let the sun’s rays penetrate the surface, accelerating shingle deterioration and shortening their lifespan.

During a roof inspection, check for buckled or curled shingles that let hot air from the attic into your home and compromise the roof’s integrity. This problem can lead to water damage, poor ventilation, and other issues.

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Replace Your Caulk

Caulk is a great way to seal your home and keep water from running away, but it can start to break down after a while. Replacing your caulk is an easy DIY project that can save you a lot of money in the long run.

You’ll want to remove the old caulk before applying a new sealant bead. This is important because failing to do so can lead to stains and health problems like mold.