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5 Items To Check During a Home Inspection

When purchasing a house, it is necessary to ensure that there are no structural or other issues that could cause trouble later. Whether you are hiring a professional home inspector Orange County CA or not, it is recommended that home buyers attend the inspection to observe and ask questions. Here are five common issues to look at during a home inspection. 

1. Heating and Central Air Conditioning System

A home inspector will examine the heating system, and if located in a warmer climate, the central air conditioning system. These can be extremely costly to replace so pay particular attention to any issues with these systems, and note their age and when they might need to be replaced barring any unforeseen repairs. 

2. Roof

The roof is what protects everything in the home, but damage from wind, hail and heavy rain can threaten its integrity. An inspector will check for leaks and other signs of damage and recommend any repairs or replacement. 

3. Foundation

Equally important to the structural integrity of the house as the roof is the foundation that the house sits upon. Unevenness or cracks in the foundation can be a bad sign and are sometimes hidden to most observers until it is too late. This is another reason why it is imperative to have a good home inspector check this vital component of a house. 

4. Windows and Doors

Windows and doors will be checked for leaks and cracks. Tightly sealed windows and doors are important for regulating the temperature in the house and not wasting heat during the winter. 

See also  3 Refinishing Projects for Your House

5. Electrical Systems

Especially important to check in older houses, an inspector will ensure that the electrical systems in the house are up to par and can withstand newer appliances and lighting systems. 

Buying a house is exciting, but make sure not to overlook checking these important components when making this big purchase.