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Top 10 Wheat Replacements

Switching from a wheat-based diet can have many benefits. Thanks to a number of companies like this distributor of organic foods Portland OR, fresh food staples are easier to get than ever. Try these top 10 wheat replacements in your diet. 

  1. Quinoa: this little seed isn’t technically a grain, but it comes with a variety of nutrients that remain unbeaten in the health world. Try it in a salad or make a quinoa risotto
  2. Rice: for millennia, rice has been a staple in many Asian countries. With just a few fresh fruits and vegetables, rice has enough nutrition to keep a body healthy and well.  
  3. Oats: although this grain has been stuck in the breakfast foods category forever, it makes a perfect, healthy base to breads and other meals. 
  4. Millet: this cereal plant is widely cultivated in poorer communities thanks to the tenacious nature of the plant. Try it in a salad or as a side dish.
  5. Couscous: looking for something easy to cook? Couscous is a great pasta alternative and makes a tasty addition to any side dish.
  6. Amaranth: like quinoa, amaranth is technically not a grain, but it still makes a tasty breakfast when cooked with fresh milk and syrup.
  7. Flaxseed: gaining popularity for its ability to lower cholesterol, flaxseed is easy to mix in with smoothies and other cereals.
  8. Barley: an oldie, but still reliable, barley has been used to make flours and teas where its creamy, brown flavor makes everything seem warmer. 
  9. Tapioca: not just for pudding, this root can be ground up and used as a thickening agent almost anywhere.
  10. Coconut: the sweet, tropical flesh of this nut makes a great flour for desserts and breakfasts. 
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Whether it’s for health reasons or you’re just looking for something new, wheat substitutes offer many flavors and benefits. Add some variety to your diet and enjoy the health benefits of these great grains today.